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Autumn in Seoul

Version en Español

November is the perfect month to discover Seoul, ... its streets, parks, walks, and mountains undergo an incredible transformation. The leaves of the trees are dyed with an innumerable range of shades ranging from fluorescent yellow, ocher, red, green, and brown.

Perhaps one of the trees that most impacts are the famous Ginkgo. It's a tree with fan-shaped leaves that begin to stain neon yellow from the top while still keep a green tone in the lower part. Slowly the Ginkgo will soon turn yellow until the tree is entirely fluorescent.

As if this show of colors in the streets of Seoul was not enough, when one looks up at the mountains that protect the backs of Seoul, the spectrum of colors continues in a varied and infinite multitude of strokes of green, yellow, red ...

Autumn dress up Seoul with unmistakable magic. The days are still sunny, dry, a little bit cold, and walking through its streets, adorned with autumn colors, becomes a feast for the senses. Add to this symphony of colors the tourists that rent traditional Korean costumes, called Hanbok, and stroll in Korean folk costumes for the most iconic Korean spots. Well, well, well ... the spectacle is impossible to be ignored.

There's so much beauty in Seoul streets during fall.


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